Free Downloadable Job Application Form for Daycares and Preschools

Using the right job application form can make hiring at your childcare center easier. The right form should have all of the necessary information you need to ensure you’re hiring staff with the right qualifications. Whether that’s education, availability, or references, a job application form is a good place to start when qualifying candidates for your center.

We know hiring is extremely important but also very difficult right now. By using job applications that meet your needs, you’re making this process easier for your center. To download Kangarootime’s Job Application Template, fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Keep reading for more information on collecting job applications as well as options for online job applications.

How to Collect Job Applications

When hiring, it’s important to have your job applications easily accessible and collectable. Our free job application form can be easily printed and displayed at your center. Interested parties can take physical copies to apply themselves or pass on to other candidates. This helps you reach a wide range of potential candidates and makes hiring at your childcare center easier.

Be sure to put the job application form on your website as a downloadable PDF with instructions on returning it or emailing it to your center. This ensures the maximum number of potential candidates as your website is likely where they will first interact with your center.

Digital Job Application Options

In today’s digital age, having digital job applications is crucial in maximizing candidate potential. To do this, create a digital form and have it prominently displayed on your website. Depending on your website provider, there may be tools you can use to build a form within your website and have the captured information emailed to you. If you’re unsure of how to do this, you can easily set up and link to or embed a free Google Form . This is an easy tool that lets you customize your job application form to outline exactly what you need.

If you’re using digital advertising through Facebook, try including a lead generation form within your advertisements so potential candidates can easily apply.

Posting your open jobs on LinkedIn also offers options for easy digital applications.

Staff Management Tools for Your Center

Once you hire your staff, retaining them is key. To make it easier, there’s a range of staff management tools available within programs like Kangarootime.

For example, you can easily manage staff schedules, time-off requests, timelogs and more. This makes it easy to avoid overtime, optimize your staffs’ availability, and ensure each space in your center has the necessary coverage.

Staff management tools can also make your staff’s jobs easier with features like digital daily notes, contactless check-in, parent communication, and more. To learn more about Kangarootime, click here.

Download the Job Application Form

Fill out the form below and the file will be sent to you in an email.

Kangarootime is the leading all-in-one childcare management software for daycares and preschools. With billing and invoicing capabilities, parent communication and staff management tools and classroom automation, Kangarootime helps childcare centers grow and scale. To learn more about optimizing your center with Kangarootime, visit

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