Compatibility of the OS OpenData Licence with ODbL

The current view taken by Ordnance Survey and OSM's Licensing Working Group is that the OS OpenData Licence is not compatible with the Open Database Licence (ODbL) used by OSM. Therefore contributors may not make use any OS OpenData Licensed material for OSM contributions, unless separate permission from the Rights Holder(s) has been obtained.

The only such permission that I am aware of is described in this email and covers the OS OpenData products listed here with the exception of CodePoint Open.

In February 2015, Ordnance Survey announced that they were switching from their own OS OpenData Licence to the Open Government Licence for their OS OpenData Products. The OS OpenData pages don't seem to have been updated yet to confirm the new licence, and it's not clear what will happen to third-party data (e.g. that such as Public Rights of Way data coming from PSMA exemptions) currently being released under the OS OpenData Licence. But we can be hopeful that the problematic OS OpenData Licence will soon be a thing of the past.


OpenStreetMap (OSM) makes its mapping data available under the Open Database Licence (ODbL) with the content licenced under the Database Contents Licence (DbCL). Thus any third-party data contributed to OSM must be available under a licence that can allow onward distribution under these licences.

The standard Open Government License 2.0 is explicitly forward compatible with the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By), which in turn is forward compatible with the ODbL. Thus material licenced under the OGL can be contributed to OpenStreetMap.

Ordnance Survey (OS) and various other public sector bodies make certain dataset available for re-use under the OS OpenData License. These datasets would be very useful for helping improve OpenStreetMap. The OS OpenData Licence is similar to the Open Government License 2.0 (OGL), but contains some additional conditions.

In the absence of any special agreement with the Rights Holder(s), the key question to be answered is "Can I take OS OpenData licenced data, and release it under the ODbL+DbCL (with appropriate attribution)?"

Legal Analysis

The OS OpenData license clearly states that any sub-licenses must include an attribution requirement, and must also enforce a similar attribution requirement on any further downstream usage. Arguably, this is not guaranteed by the ODbL, since attribution in produced works needs only point back to the source database, and not list all individual sources that went into creating that database.

Ordnance Survey's View

Ordnance Survey has been rather inconsistent in their statements regarding whether or not OS OpenData Licensed information can be subsequently released under the ODbL. Previously some people have been told that it can be.

However, the most recent communication I have had from the Office of Public Sector Information after their consultation with OS casts doubt on this. The email I received is as follows:

Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 12:32:30 +0000
From: XXXX
To: 'Robert Whittaker'
Subject: OS OpenData Licence Compatibility [UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Mr Whittaker,

We have had a response from our colleagues at Ordnance Survey, following their consultation with OS legal representatives. Ordnance Survey has confirmed that the OS OpenData Licence obligations on copyright acknowledgement continue - notwithstanding the licensee's entry into the ODC-By or the ODbL. Therefore, the OS Open Data copyright acknowledgments apply in addition to any acknowledgments required by the ODC-By or the ODbL (e.g. under clauses 4.2 and 4.3 of the ODC-By).

It the opinion of Ordnance Survey that this requirement for an acknowledgement means that the OS OpenData licence is not forward compatible with the ODC-By and ODbL. Both the ODC-By and ODbL are very clear that: "Sometimes the contents of a database, or the database itself, can be covered by other rights not addressed here (such as private contracts, trademark over the name, or privacy rights / data protection rights over information in the contents), and so you are advised that you may have to consult other documents or clear other rights before doing activities not covered by this License ".

Clause 2.4 of the ODC-By states: "2.4 Relationship to Contents in the Database. The individual items of the Contents contained in this Database may be covered by other rights, including copyright, patent, data protection, privacy, or personality rights, and this License does not cover any rights (other than Database Rights or in contract) in individual Contents contained in the Database. For example, if used on a Database of images (the Contents), this License would not apply to copyright over individual images, which could have their own separate licenses, or one single license covering all of the rights over the images" There are similar terms in the ODbL so neither licence precludes the fact that other rights (and terms) may therefore apply in addition to those set out in the ODC-By and ODbL.

It should be highlighted that the OS OpenData Licence terms relate not just to Ordnance Survey's copyright, but also to the copyright of Royal Mail and the Office for National Statistics in relation to Code-Point Open. It should also be noted that the inclusion of an acknowledgement of copyright helps Ordnance Survey to track how OS OpenData is being re-used and hence its value, which is potentially useful information for the open data community in general.

I hope this explanation from Ordnance Survey is helpful to you.

With regards


Information Policy Adviser

The explanation seems rather confusing to me. The question I really wanted answered was "Can I take OS OpenData licensed data, and release it under the ODbL+DbCL (with appropriate attribution)?" If I'm reading the reply correctly, they're saying "no", because OS's attribution requirements are in addition to those required by ODbL, and they can only be achieved under ODbL by protecting the contents with a separate license. Presumably OSM can't offer that additional protection in data that gets released under its standard licence. If this is correct, then I guess that means that OS are saying that we can't use OS OpenData licenced material in OSM, without specific permission from the copyright holder(s).

Whatever the detail though, the statement that "the OS OpenData licence is not forward compatible with the ODC-By and ODbL" seems clear-cut enough.

OSM Licence Working Group's View

Michael Collinson summarises LWG's position in two emails to the talk-gb mailing list. The first email provides background and discussion, the second email provides the following summary:

LWG view on use of data in OSM under OS OpenData License:

Yes: OS OpenData product except CodePoint

No: CodePoint (a Royal Mail response to Chris Hill needs further investigation)

You need to formally ask: Any other dataset published under the OS OpenData License by other organisations, such as English Heritage, (or by OS if any).

What datasets are covered by the OS OpenData Licence

The initial datasets released by Ordnance Survey as their "OS OpenData" set of products are all licenced under the OS OpenData Licence. These include:

With the exception of Code-Point Open, OSM has obtained a separate permission to use these datasets in OSM. However, this permission does not help anyone else who may want to make use of these datasets in projects that use the ODbL or ODC-By licenses.

In addition to the OS OpenData products, the Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA) allows public sector bodies to apply to OS to release certain classes of geographic data generated in part by reference to OS products under the OS OpenData Licence. (Without this exemption, OS would claim rights to the data, because of the use of OS products in its generation.) Such datasets include: