A ct 1, S cene 2

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Capulet and Paris Performance Capulet Line 13-19 Performance Capulet Line 20-33 Performance Benvolio and Romeo Line 84-103 "transparent heretics" Metaphor Capulet plans his daughter’s marriage and a party. Characters:

The Capulet patriarch and Juliet’s father. He decides to host a big party during which Paris can woo Juliet.

A cousin of the Prince and suitor to Juliet. He asks Capulet for Juliet's hand in marriage.


An illiterate Capulet servant who asks Romeo and Benvolio for help reading the guest list to Capulet’s party.

A Montague and friend of Romeo. He hopes that crashing the Capulets’ party will help Romeo get over Rosaline.

A Montague in love with Rosaline. He hopes that he’ll see her at the Capulets’ party.

Scene Summary:

Count Paris, a kinsman of the Prince, tells Capulet that he wants to marry his daughter, Juliet. Capulet is reluctant to agree because his daughter is so young, but he tells Paris that if Paris can woo Juliet successfully, then Capulet will grant him permission to marry her. To help his cause, Capulet invites Paris to a party they’re having at the Capulet house that night. Capulet then gives his servant a guest list for the party, and asks him to track down and invite the people on it. The servant, who is illiterate, then asks the passing Romeo and Benvolio for help reading it. Realizing that Rosaline — the object of Romeo’s unrequited love — is on the list, Romeo and Benvolio hatch a plan to attend the party, even though it’s at the enemy house. For his part, Benvolio is convinced that when Romeo sees Rosaline with all the other beautiful young women of Verona, he’ll realize that she pales in comparison.